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Written by: Tom Wilson @thetomwilsonexperiment - Sense Music Media | Monday 15th May 2023
Photo by: Genki Arata

Japanese Noisemakers to Paint Hobart Black

“Sensory overload” is a term that gets bandied around a lot these days, but there’s really no better way to describe VIOLENT MAGIC ORCHESTRA. A five-headed musical hydra hailing from Japan, VMO combine the icy scythe of black metal with electronica, and blast it forward with a blinding visual assault to leave no sense un-battered. This isn’t a gig, it’s a ritual, and they’re bringing it south to Dark Mofo in June…

How did Violent Magic Orchestra first come together? 

For a long time, we wanted to embody a world that fuses aspects of electronic music and black metal art with the world’s fantasy, humour, crazy visuals, lighting and smoke machines. VMO is a group of people who sympathise with this.

If money, safety or sanity wasn’t an issue, what would you incorporate into your stage show, and why? 

・A huge LED with the highest image quality

・Maximum output strobe light

・Laser that launches a wavy attack

If we had them, our stage would be more aggressive, and the audience would get an experience beyond LIVE.

You’re coming down to Tasmania as part of Dark Mofo. What are your impressions of Tasmania? 

Seafood and nature. And above all, STRIBORG!!!!

What can you tell me about the sound of your new LP, Death Rave? How long have you been working on it? How is it different to what you’ve done previously?

We've been looking for a new sound and working on it for about three years.

Imagination and fantasy become illusions, the violence of sadness becomes funny, and the sound is like an intense dance-like riot.

You’ve previously collaborated with Sunn O))) and MAYHEM. Who would you most like to work with next, and why?  

No. We have been collaborating with vocalist Attila in those bands. We would like to work with Aphex Twin and Bjork if possible, because they both value visuals above all else. Long ago there was a rumour that a collaboration between Bjork and CARCASS was in the works. For the first time in decades, we want to realise the world view that was planned to be created at that time.

How have you seen crowds react to your music? Do fans normally mosh? Or is it more of a dance club environment? 

Mosh and dance. And a stunned face. Eyelids closed because it was too bright.

What was it about black metal that first captivated you? Which bands had the biggest impact on you, and why? 

All early black metal. Because it's real. XASTHUR, LEVIATHAN, etc.

What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen happen at one of your shows?

ダークスローン jumped high from the stage towards the floor. He cracked his jaw with his knee as he landed. When he called the ambulance, they asked him what his symptoms were, and he said a lateral version of a "cleft chin."

VIOLENT MAGIC ORCHESTRA play Dark Mofo in Hobart on the 9th and 10th of June. Get tickets here.


