Review: ALESTORM and NEKROGOBLIKON - Live in Brisbane
Bogans, Bundy, Fosters, and Weed
These Are The Things That A Goblin Needs!
Tuesday 4th March 2025
Written and Photographed by: Rashid AlKamraikhi
Cornering onto Costin St, I was confronted with a line that went all the way from The Tivoli to Water St. Metal heads dressed as pirates, and pirates dressed as metal heads, for the most part, patiently waited for the doors to open. Though it was clear that for more than a few, the revelry had already begun.
Upon entrance, another queue formed immediately, this time for the merch desk. I swear 90% of the crowd were already adorned in ALESTORM and NEKROGOBLIKON shirts, but clearly, there was room in their wardrobes for more. This nigh-on impenetrable line would be a constant throughout the entire night, as the workers at the merch stand were besieged with an onslaught of rabid fans hell bent on clearing out their stock. It also formed a barricade to the main bar, sending the majority of those with dry pallets to the other watering holes scattered around the venue.
Whoever was in control of the pipe music that night was having the time of their lives, and just as they were cranking ‘Happy Happy Joy Joy’ from the Ren and Stimpy soundtrack, SNAKE MOUNTAIN rolled like a log onto the stage. They fired into their blistering riffs and vocalist, Nev, took instant control of the crowd. Now as a friend of the band, it’s going to be hard to be objective, but they straight up fucking killed it. The way the audience reacted to them, you’d think that this was the band they’d came to see. And if they hadn’t they sure as hell will next time.
Image: Jackson, SNAKE MOUNTAIN
As a fan of NEKROGOBLIKON, I wanted one of their tour shirts too, damn it, so I got in the line and started shuffling along with many others eager to get their hands on some loot. I severely miscalculated the time it would take though, because I was only a fraction of the way towards the desk when the band took to the stage. I had to abandon my spot and bee-line for the photo pit, making it just as John Goblikon walked on stage, causing the crowd to go berserk. Heavy vocalist, Dickie, let out a demonic scream and the band launched into “Powercore”. From that point on the frantic energy did not let up.
Guitarist’s Alex and Joe constantly swapped sides of the stage, as John performed his traditional role of hyping up the band members. Recent changes have also seen him taking over clean vocal duties. Man that goblin has some sweet vocal chords. He also took time to converse with the crowd, bringing up the tender topic of Fosters, and rating Bundy Rum. I didn’t catch any mention of a Milton Mango, though. He also wanted to survey the crowd to see if we identified more as bogans or cunts. The latter won.
But ultimately, it was us who won, because we finally got to experience NEKROGOBLIKON. Oh, and they promised to be back again real soon!
Image: John Goblikon, NEKROGOBLIKON
Image: Alex and John, NEKROGOBLIKON
I slipped out of the crowd a couple of songs before the end of NEKROGOBLIKON’s set so that I could rejoin the merch queue, which had only managed to get longer, to try and secure some apparel before ALESTORM was due on stage. I alternated between peering over the crowd, and viewing the monitors at the main bar as I moved along in line. When NEKROGOBLIKON finished, it then changed to alternating between peering over the crowd watching a giant duck inflate, and checking the time on my phone. They were due to start 10:05 and my receipt says my transaction was at 9:58pm. Way too close for comfort, but I got that fucking shirt. I used my seven remaining minutes to leisurely reenter the photo pit, and get ready for the storm of ale that was about to hit.
The reactions for SNAKE MOUNTAIN, and NEKROGOBLIKON were huge, but the response to ALESTORM hitting the stage was next level. The stage remained dark, save for a spotlight on their keyboard player who started up ‘Keelhauled’ before the lighting went ballistic and the party started in earnest. The ALESTORM crew took us all on a journey, sailing us musically to exotic places like “Mexico” for a donkey show, “Cartagena” for a battle, and ”Uzbekistan” for god knows why. It’s a landlocked country too, so how the hell did we even get there?
Image: Chris, ALESTORM
Image: Patty Gurdy, ALESTORM
Image: Máté, ALESTORM
Image: Gareth, ALESTORM
Travel itinerary nightmares aside, the charm and frivolity of ALESTORM had the entire venue packed full of smiling faces. The audience sang along with every word, with Chris and Patty Gurdy leading the charge. Even those who had overindulged in the rum, beer, quests and mead, and had to sit this one out were still tapping their toes along to the music. This would have to be hands down one of the most fun-filled shows I have ever attended, so let’s all hope it’s not too long before we get to stowaway for another one!
Photos by: Rashid AlKamraikhi
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