Saturday 8th February 2025
Author: RA
The So-Cal, USA boys of ALIEN ANT FARM formed in 1996 in the prime of the alt-metal era. They received Best Independent Album at the 1999 L.A. Music Awards before becoming known for their cover of MICHAEL JACKSON’s ‘Smooth Criminal’. Though this is their most known track, it is certainly not their best, in my humble opinion, that would belong to ‘Summer’ (more on that later). Check out the Interview with Dryden Mitchell given by Tom Wilson in his car HERE Tonight they kick tings off with FRANKENBOK, a four piece metal band from Melbourne, and Texan’s Drowning Pool, replacing previously announced CKY. Check out the interview with frontman Ryan McCombs of DROWNING POOL HERE given by our own Angela Croudace of Sense Music Media.
Okay, so I was going to sugar coat it, but the truth is I missed so much of FRANKENBOK given there were only six songs and I managed to get in at around the fourth song, that I can only tell you from that point. FRANKENBOK are are a heavy force and a cheerful group of men. Engaging with the crowd, after finishing up with ‘Fallen Phoenix’ as the crowd had erupted with cheers and claps, I heard Adam Glynn say to the audience “that’s very sweet, you’re making us feel like PARKWAY DRIVE up here, thank you.”
Image: Adam ‘Hutch’ Glynn
Image: Frankenbok
Image: Owen Spratling - FRANKENBOK
Image: Aaron Butler
‘We’re NOT The Drummonds’ with a heavy drums intro leading the way throughout the song and his vocals doing some serious growls with lyrics similar in style, to of all things, Bob Dylan’s ‘Subterranean Homesick Blues’ spoken to the rhythm. Glynn asks if anyone had watched much 80’s Tv? “Like who here watched Different strokes, or are you more of a Family Ties type?” in reference to the idea of escaping through tv. ‘Static Wings’ was last up and the floor continued to fill. Two men were playing body pogo on the floor with each other, and I was just trying not to get in the way of their fun.. Would love to see more of FRANKENBOK, maybe next time!?
The crowd did call out for more, but sadly we were running slightly overtime and the setlist was played to a tee. Between bands, METALLICA played over PA and the crowd belted out the lyrics the best they could, one of the comments from a front row attendee, was about the set of amps not being utilised for the first band, hoping they turn them on for the next two, and they did, so that levelled things up a bit.
Image: Ryan McCombs
Image: Ryan McCombs and CJ Pierce
Image: Ryan McCombs and crowd
Image: Stevie Benton
The floor was now filling with eager DROWNING POOL fans and given the change in bands for the tour, the response was fantastic. Yes, most were anticipating ‘Bodies’ but these guys are serious showmen from Texas, they not only know how to write a catchy earworm of a song, but they can really rock your socks off and keep you wanting more. It was now bang on 8:30 and without an introduction, last out of the back room on stage, long, blonde Ryan McCombs leaps up onto the podium raising the mic in the air and yells out “Let me see those fucking ha-n-d-s” wasting no time Ryan goes straight into ‘Sinner’. They sound heavy and raw, but certainly refined. The floor is turning very quickly into a casualty scene, as I saw one girl thudded, holding back tears, and the roughly 30+ male crowd took over the breathing space as they rammed each other for fun! Drinks were spilling everywhere, I think my hair copped more bourbon than the man who had intended to drink it, but this is all in the name of fun. One of the things that stuck out to me was when Ryan said “This is the place, where you get to leave the week behind, work, stress, what ever it is…” and to a large extent that is exactly why people gather together to witness music in the flesh, to escape, let go and to rock out. The crowd clapping to the beat of ‘Enemy’. In a cheeky almost sinister voice Ryan calls out, “Come on Sydney, how are yaaaah?, I can’t see you, but I can hear you” I almost felt like I was in some Marco Polo game and at any moment, the frontman himself, less then 5 feet away was going to turn sharp right and call out “gotcha!” Honestly he is extremely entertaining and it was a little sexy in a dark way!
Image: Stevie Benton + Mike Luce
Image: Ryan McCombs
Out of respect for the first band, I’m not going to tell you what happened every song, as my reviews are usually very detailed, but I’m going to keep this one fair, and if you want to know more, you’ll have to head to one of their shows. I will say that ‘Bodies’ did not disappoint, but for some reason, I kept hearing Elmo in my head. Sorry guys!
Now I’ve seen some funny things at shows but this would be the first time I’ve seen a band member take out their in-ear monitors and hand them to the crowd as a parting gift.. Plectrums, setlists both fine, but in ears? Be sure to ask for yours at the next show..
Image: Dryden Mitchell
Image: Terry Corso
Image: Dryden Mitchell
Image: Timmy Pee
I love ALIEN ANT FARM, and their musicianship, plus the talent, it’s absolutely all there, but I almost felt like Dryden Mitchell was somewhere else. Making a robotic queen like wave in a stiff manor between songs, was maybe his way of taking a moment before giving it his all for the next song. Just a different kind of personality to what was displayed in his laid back interview above, but he did get up nice and close with the front rows, leaning in for a fist bump or a hand touch during songs, so I guess that’s pretty personal. Now for a performance, they absolutely nailed it, Mr. Back-up vocalist and maraca body shaker, with all the smooth moves, you didn’t go unnoticed up there! Neither did bassist Timmy Pee, you worked the crowd as much as your hips worked you, I saw you flexin! Now by this point, we the crowd, were so close to each other, you could feel every inch of a body bopping up and down against you, while singing along, who could not help but to sing with Dryden, especially when we know every word.
Image: Joe Hill
Image: Dryden Mitchell
Image: Dryden Mitchell
Image: Alien Ant Farm
I’m no shy reviewer, I don’t sit at the back watching from a distance, or stand to the sides partially removed from the excitement. I get right into it, front and centre, feeling every drip of sweat from the sweaty armpit beside me. My hair gets pulled or caught under another’s arm, but its all part of giving a true to life real review of the wildness at live gigs. ALIEN ANT FARM played a array going back and forth between albums and years, and to be fair I’d do it all again in a weeks time if I were lucky enough, but - and here’s where I’m a little upset with you Mr. Mitchell - you didn’t play ‘Summer’! During the interview with Tom, as displayed above, he asked if you’d play ‘Summer’, just for his mate, if he throws his panties on stage, well the panties were thrown and received, but no ‘Summer’! So you’ll have to make it back to Sydney before you leave Australia to play that special acoustic version just for us :) See set lists below, and head over to the gallery for a few more pics.
Photos by: Jimmy Wah
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