Review: GRINSPOON - Live in Brisbane
Whatever, Whenever, Wherever
Written by: Tom Wilson
Photos by: Tracy McLaughlan >> SEE PHOTOS
Friday 20th September 2024
The Tivoli is already packed when IXARAS burst into life and waste no time demonstrating the power of stage presence. She is not a big person, but holy hell, she seems twenty feet tall onstage tonight as they break out wave after wave of infectious indie rock, and she takes a second to show how happy she is to be playing a packed show in her hometown. Her voice is huge, the band is as tight as the drums being whacked so expertly, and the future is so bright they should be wearing shades. She places down her guitar and picks up an old rotary phone, using it to belt out the vocals for a song called What the Fuck? Awesome.
Pictured: IXARAS
If PRESS CLUB weren’t already a well-oiled machine (which they definitely are), they’ve got plenty of time to hone their craft, because they’re in it for the long haul with GRINSPOON, playing every night of this forty-plus-date tour that will take them all around Australia, playing more shows in one run than they usually play in a year. Frontwoman Natalie Foster is a sight to behold tonight, showcasing huge pipes and tireless windmilling, and the stage cannot contain her. She mounts the barrier and disappears into the mosh, the security dutifully trailing the mic lead behind her as she plays for the people, with the people. It’s little wonder GRINSPOON picked them.
Pictured: PRESS CLUB
In our recent interview, guitarist Pat Davern described GRINSPOON as “a multi-generational juggernaut. We are the KISS of Australia.” He might have a point. GRINNERS are a truly cross-generational band. There is a twenty-year-old girl losing her shit next to me, and a crowdsurfer with fully grey hair sails over our heads during Lost Control. Times have changed for GRINSPOON, but their attitude has stayed the same, making tonight’s rendition of INXS classic Don’t Change all the more poignant. There was a time when I was young that a Grinners pit stank of B.O., beer and pot smoke, but halfway through the second song tonight it becomes apparent that someone has spilt their merlot down my back.
We play crowdsurfer keep-away with the Tivoli security (who always ended up winning, but the fun is in the attempt), and the band are in the form of their career. Phil shakes up a can of Asahi and cracks it, sending geysers of foam arcing across the stage. Afterwards, we see some less-than-amused crew mopping up the mess with a towel, and Phil gives himself a scolding. “Sprayed beer all over the stage. That’s a strike for me.” PRESS CLUB’s Natalie joins Phil onstage for a duet, and the clearly enamoured singer lets herself fangirl, rubbing some of the sweat off Phil’s hair and daubing it on her cheeks. Champion sends the pit into hysterics, before they bring things to a close with More Than You Are, and confetti cannons turn The Tivoli into a swirling vortex of red.
GRINSPOON are in the form of their career these days, and if you weren’t there tonight, don’t worry … they’re coming to you!
Photos by: Tracy McLaughlan
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