NOW HEAR THIS - Christian Ruiz
Written by: Tom Wilson @thetomwilsonexperiment - Sense Music Media | Saturday 2nd July 2022
Five of the Best from Christian
Producer Christian Ruiz has taken the plunge and released Miss You, his first single as an artist. It seemed like a perfectly good excuse to talk some SENSE and find out five pieces of art he wants you to check out right now.
This has got to be my favourite show! I have seen every season so many times that you could say one sentence from any episode and I could tell you what episode it comes from and what happens in that episode. The writing is very clever in how it captures real life scenarios that seem to always happen. It’s a great show about “nothing.” I would suggest starting with The Smelly Car.
Paco De Lucia
A Spanish flamenco guitarist/artist from my parent’s hometown in Algeciras, Spain. I grew up hearing my dad play his music, and could hear from a young age how exceptional of a musician he was. When I got a little older, I could appreciate even more how much feeling and emotion he had when he would play. He is a great musician to listen to if you’re wanting to hear a very passionate expression of music be played.
(SPOILER ALERT) This film shows such a good portrayal of coming from the bottom to the top. The film shows a young Mexican man down on his luck who has a passion and dream to play soccer professionally. You see the progression of him starting from little success to big success. It’s great to see this in a film as I relate to the chasing of a dream aspect. I imagine myself achieving my dream when I watch this film.
Photo by: Ed Caraeff
Jimi Hendrix
I think many guitarists would agree that Jimi Hendrix has influenced them in at least some way. It is astounding to me that one person can influence the whole world with their music, and can continue to do so long after they have passed away. He inspires me to think that it is possible for me to do the same thing. After all, we’re all human just like he was. Check out All Along the Watchtower if you haven't already!
Carlos Santana
I have always had a bias to Carlos Santana, as we’re both from a Spanish/Latin background. I find that he has the most feel and expression in his playing of all the electric guitarists out there currently. He was another guitarist that my dad would constantly play in the car growing up. I would always enjoy listening to his music and was inspired to play guitar because of him. I learnt later on in life that he had a very tough life trying to make it as a musician. He could only just get by and still decided to risk it all and dedicate his life to being a full-time musician. He said that he realised he had to quit his job and become a full-time musician, otherwise he would never become good enough to have a career in music. I find this very inspiring and encouraging with my own journey in music.
Miss You is out now.